My name is Arvind Karunananthan, I am currently a content creator with the long term goal to help populations in rural South Asia and other non-English speaking countries to learn English. My goal is not to just teach a language but to teach conversational skills, boost self-esteem, create opportunity, content creation, entrepreneurship, and develop an online presence for career development.

Story Time:

Growing up my father would have my sister and I call others of similar age from Sri Lanka to talk to them in English. It never made sense to me as a young kid growing up in Toronto, because as children we were always told to improve speaking in our second language(Tamil). This is a very common practice among many immigrant families living in Toronto. People would have their English speaking children converse with children back home to improve their language skills. 

Speaking English meant opportunity for immigrants, they looked at the skill like it was the key to success in the west. Today with social media it has become much easier to understand and appreciate a variety of cultures, languages, and professional practices. 

Community is the strongest tool highlighted within the argument. Every social community has its own niche and dedicated discipline, that’s how content creators thrive. They do what they know best and love. 

Language does not strictly prove knowledge in my opinion, knowledge is communicated through skill and creativity. With a world revolving around social communication, we must consider English to be the most spoken language in the world. 

The truth is many rural populations in Sri Lanka and India still don't have access to proper English language teachings. This can be backed up from venture into understanding language within design from my thesis study. Where I spent 3.5 months in Sri Lanka and India researching and understanding the population and its views on language/social media. These populations had extremely talented individuals who were able to receive outstanding grade results but failed to be recognized by recruiters and higher institutes because they lacked English speaking skills. 

I want to give back, and help create a social platform/community where people can engage and learn together, while also providing the benefits to youtube and social media which is entertainment. Without saying too much this is my goal, my life long goal and dream. 

Click on the Subheadings for More Examples of My Work Experience

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