Google Bistro

Group members: Arvind Karunananthan & Said Mrkaljevic & Sabrina - Reinoso & Zishan Syed

Tools: Adobe Premiere Pro, Adobe InDesign,  Miro, Microsoft Office, and Adobe Photoshop.

My Role: 60% Indd editing, 100% video Editing and cutting, Focused on Delivery and transfer tubes concepts, helped with overall concept.

Top Three Competencies Used In This Project:

- Design Operation

- Ambition and Drive

- Visualization Methodology

Google Bistro: Video Pitch to Google

Video pitch to Google presenting a futuristic kitchen appliance associated with a vertical farming system that can help source, prepare, cook, and serve freshly made food in minutes. 

Google Bistro: A Futuristic Kitchen Appliance

What if you could have freshly prepared food from your local urban farm offered to you whenever you have a craving for food?

What if you could order a meal with your phone an have a kitchen appliance source, prepare, cook, and serve food for you?

Imagine all the extra Netflix shows you could watch.

Google Bistro Video Pitch

Google Bistro pitch made on Adobe Premiere pro, sourced from Pexels. 

Using Format